Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Arup Raha new IAF chief

Air Marshal Arup Raha, an ace fighter pilot, will be the next Air Force chief succeeding incumbent Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne, who is retiring on December 31.

Born on December 26, 1954, 59 year-old Air Marshal Raha is expected to have tenure of three years as the Chief of Air Staff.

“The government has decided to appoint Air Marshal Raha, who is at present the Vice-Chief of Air Staff, as the next Chief of the Air Staff after the retirement of Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne,’’ a Defence Ministry release said on Tuesday.

He was commissioned on December 14, 1974 in the fighter stream of the IAF and has held various command, staff and instructional appointments in his 39-year-old career. He has also served as Air Attaché at the Embassy of India in Ukraine. He has also done Strategic Nuclear Orientation course and Junior Commanders' course. He has commanded Central Air Command and Western Air Command.

He has served as Directing Staff at Flying Instructors School, Tambaram, Chennai as well as at the Gwalior-based Tactics and Combat Development Establishment of the IAF.

View the original article here

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